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17th EAN annual conference: Crossing Borders - Diversity in Higher Education

30.06.2008 - 02.07.2008

Ort: Berlin

Increased global migration (past and recent) and student mobility (European and International) have resulted in greater diversity in higher education in Europe and elsewhere. Irrespective of whether the students are international students or students who come from migrant families, what they have in common is that they have a different heritage and many of them have had to overcome more barriers than others to enter and complete their higher education in order to achieve the same aim: to be successful. It is therefore important for us to know and understand their different cultural values and manifold needs so that we can harness untapped talent and improve their chances of success. As education achievement is closely linked to future economic and social success in life, diversity in higher education is crucial in broadening the base of student participation in terms of socio-economic background, race and ethnicity. It should be embraced with vigour and supported in deed by governments and institutions throughout Europe and the world. The conference will look at the positive aspects of migration; examine how institutions adapt and adjust in order to manage diversity; address the challenges for governments, institutions and industries in working together to promote integration through education; explore lifelong learning opportunities for adult learners; discuss the consequences of the internationalisation of higher education and the role of institutions towards their international students.

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