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Conference "Social Impact Vouchers as a Tool for Social Innovation on the Labour Market"

03.05.2022, 09.30 - 05.00

Ort: Wien

"(...) Employment and the labour market are currently facing major challenges in Europe, due to digitalization, demographic changes, and not least due to the Covid- 19 pandemic. On one hand, a shortage of skilled workers threatens several fields of activity such as the care and IT sectors; on the other hand, (long-term) unemployment persists among disadvantaged social groups. Moreover, new groups of unemployed persons like entrepreneurs emerge as a result of the pandemic disproportionately affecting different economic sectors.

What are possible approaches to tackle these issues? What other challenges can we expect in the future and how can we deal with them?

Experiences from our ongoing Interreg Central Europe project "Social Impact Vouchers" (SIV) show that privately financed labour market instruments - in addition to public ones - can be part of the solution. Within the framework of this project, partner organizations from eight countries have developed voucher models that bring together job seekers and prospective employers in different ways, depending on the target groups and their specific needs, and pilot them in their respective areas of activity. A distinguishing feature that the voucher models have in common is their aim to activate private stakeholders such as companies or impact investors and to involve them in implementing the programmes. Besides innovation in terms of engaging alternative financial mechanisms for funding measures for labour market integration, social innovation with regards to developing and piloting new approaches for labour market instruments has too been a pivotal focus of our project. (...)"

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