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ECER 2021 - Online Conference

06.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

"(...) Following an extensive series of conversations within EERA and with our conference partners in Geneva, it has been decided to hold ECER 2021 as an online conference. While our preference would have been for an in-person ECER in the beautiful city of Geneva, the uncertainty that still exists around the COVID-19 pandemic meant that this is just not possible.

However, we will be hosting an ECER in 2021 in the first week of September and we are looking forward to the opportunties offered by our move to an online environment. Together with our colleagues in the University of Geneva and in conjunction with KUONI - our technical partners - we are exploring a wide range of exciting and innovative presentation formats that will allow us to retain much of the spirit of ECERs past in this novel situation that we all now face. (...)"

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