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By means of customised watch lists, the E-library enables you to research, download and archive specialised literature on the topics: labour market, occupation, education and qualification research as well as social research in the broader sense.
For this purpose two search tools are available: either the bibliographical search that searches exclusively within the bibliographical entries: author, publisher, title, abstract, publishing year etc. or the full text search, which searches within the entire text of the PDFs.

   link to full text search   

  • Both the bibliographical search and the full text search enable preselection according to different categories:
  • PES research periodicals and research reports (e.g. PES report, PES info, labour market structure reports, labour market analyses, annual labour market forecasts, studies on qualification research etc.) in different categories (category "PES..." and/or category "Other")
  • Interesting studies, contributions of various national and international organizations and institutions (category "Other" respectively category "English")
Alternatively you can use the menu option "PES publications - research" to get an overview of all print publications of the periodicals PES report and PES info, sorted by year.

Please use the same menu option "PES publications - research" to get an overview sorted by year of the annually published PES labour market forecasts, PES labour market structure reports, PES labour market short reports and PES qualification structure reports.