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AutorIn 1:ILO
HerausgeberIn 1:International Labour Organization (ILO)
Titel:COVID-19 and the world of work: Impact and policy responses - 18 March 2020
Verlag:International Labour Organization (ILO)
Reihe:International Labour Organization (ILO) Note
Abstract:"(...) The COVID-19 pandemic, which has already infected almost 170,000 people in 148 countries, resulting in more than 6,500 deaths,1 has the potential to reach a large proportion of the global population. Some estimates suggest that 40-70 per cent of the world’s population could become infected. The crisis has already transformed into an economic and labour market shock, impacting not only supply (production of goods and services) but also demand (consumption and investment). Disruptions to production, initially in Asia, have now spread to supply chains across the world. All businesses, regardless of size, are facing serious challenges, especially those in the aviation, tourism and hospitality industries, with a real threat of significant declines in revenue, insolvencies and job losses in specific sectors. Sustaining business operations will be particularly difficult for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Following travel bans, border closures and quarantine measures, many workers cannot move to their places of work or carry out their jobs, which has knock-on effects on incomes, particularly for informal and casuallyemployed workers. Consumers in many economies are unable or reluctant to purchase goods and services. Given the current environment of uncertainty and fear, enterprises are likely to delay investments, purchases of goods and the hiring of workers. (...)"
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URL: International Labour Organization (ILO)