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AutorIn 1:Kliman, Daniel M.
AutorIn 2:Fontaine, Richard
HerausgeberIn 1:Center for a New American Security
HerausgeberIn 2:German Marshall Fund
Titel:Global Swing States
Untertitel:Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey and the Future of International Order
Ort:Washington, DC
Abstract:"(...) The rise of four powerful democracies - Brazil, India, Indonesia and Turkey - could bolster today?s international order. Yet this outcome is far from assured. The degree to which the four "global swing states,? as we call them, will defend and reform the global order remains uncertain. If they do, their rise presents an enormous opportunity for the United States and its allies. If they do not, they, the United States and countries across the globe will suffer the consequences. This report focuses primarily on how the United States can work with these four powers to renew the international order. (...)
This report begins by reviewing new challenges to the international order and then lays out why Brazil, India, Indonesia and Turkey are particularly promising partners in its defense. It then examines the positions of each of the four nations regarding five central pillars of the global order: trade, finance, the maritime commons, nonproliferation and human rights. The report ultimately presents a series of detailed policy recommendations for how to partner with the global swing states to pursue an international order that will continue to promote prosperity, enhance peace, and advance human rights and democracy. (...)"
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URL: Center for a New American Security