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AutorIn 1:Redecker, Christine
AutorIn 2:Leis, Miriam
AutorIn 3:Leendertse, Matthijs
weitere AutorInnen:Punie, Yves; Gijsbers, Govert; Kirschner, Paul; Stoyanov, Slavi; Hoogveld, Bert
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
Titel:The Future of Learning: New Ways to Learn New Skills for Future Jobs
Untertitel:Results from an online expert consultation
Verlag:Publications Office of the European Union
Abstract:"(...) The Europe 2020 strategy acknowledges that a fundamental transformation of education and training is needed to address the new skills and competences required if Europe is to remain competitive, overcome the current economic crisis and grasp new opportunities. However, to determine how education and training policy can adequately prepare learners for life in the future society, there is a need to envisage what competences will be relevant and how these will be acquired in 2020-2030. To contribute to this vision-building process on ways of addressing emerging competence needs, JRC-IPTS1 in collaboration with DG Education and Culture launched a foresight study on "The Future of Learning: New Ways to Learn New Skills for Future Jobs?, in 2009. This study continues and extends work done in 2006-2008 on "Future Learning Spaces? (Punie et al., 2006, Punie & Ala-Mutka, 2007, Miller et al., 2008). It is made up of different modules which will be completed during 2010 and 2011. The modules will include a series of stakeholder consultations, involving different target groups ranging from policy makers, and scientists to educators and learners. (...)
This report presents and discusses the findings of the online stakeholder consultations. It synthesizes the insights collected and arranges the findings according to emerging themes into a range of nine future scenarios. (...)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  2,69 MB)
URL: Joint Research Centre