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AutorIn 1:Miller, Riel
AutorIn 2:Shapiro, Hanne
AutorIn 3:Hilding-Hamann, Erik
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
Titel:Schools Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: An Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Abstract:"(...) "Learning Spaces? (LS) is the term used in a report published in 2006 by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, "as a way to embrace a different view of future learning?. This report moves the discussion of Learning Spaces forward by refining the concept and linking it to possible policy initiatives. The report builds on the premise that the context for learning is already changing, and thus the characteristics and enabling infrastructure for learning spaces may also be changing. To clarify the nature of these changes an advanced scenario methodology is used. The report builds a scenario of a 21st Century Learning-intensive Society (LIS), which could emerge from the potential of the present. The scenario is an imaginary snapshot of how society might function with open learning at the core of what everyone does all the time, everywhere. In the LIS scenario, Learning Spaces (LS) are the next school. It is a vision of learning that differs radically from the conventional classroom model where blackboard knowledge and the imposing teacher represent the quintessential learning space of the industrial era. In the imaginary snapshot of Europe in 2020 it is assumed that society is no longer dominated by the industrial-era logics of mass-production and mass-consumption. (...)"
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URL: Joint Research Centre