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AutorIn 1:European Commission
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission
Titel:Global Europe 2050
Untertitel:Executive Summary
Abstract:"(...) This report is the result of a highly participatory approach to scenario building that seeks to optimally combine visionary thinking with plausibility: it was generated by an iterative process of interaction and debate among a group of experts representing a considerable variety of disciplinary expertise / specializations. To make the most of the individual and collective expertise of the group, a full bottom-up process was adopted, with the experts contributing freely to both the overall selection, framing and shaping of the scenarios, and to their detailed representation. While such a "free-mode? approach led to an unconstrained and unconventional representation of possible long term futures, the complementarities within the group and the extensive debate that took place ensured that the basic requirements associated with scenario building (like plausibility, internal consistency) were ultimately met. (...) An extensive narrative is provided for each of the scenarios, along a common format that deals in sequence with six main dimensions of the future:
? Global demographic and societal challenges;
? Energy and natural resource security and efficiency, environment and climate change;
? Economy and technology prospects;
? Geopolitics and governance: EU frontiers, integration and role on the global scale;
? Territorial and mobility dynamics;
? Research, education and innovation.
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