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AutorIn 1:Waslekar, Sundeep
HerausgeberIn 1:Strategic Foresight Group
Titel:An Inclusive World
Untertitel:In which the West, Islam and the Rest have a stake
Verlag:Strategic Foresight Group
Abstract:"(...) This essay intends to provide a fresh analysis of some of the critical issues dividing humanity today and to explore politically feasible concepts to build an alternative future. Part I of this essay defines the problem while the subsequent parts provide solutions. We argue that religion, ideology, and other belief systems are used by protagonists in most conflicts to justify the use of force. It is important to recognise the underlying desire to expand power, rather than merely concentrating on external expressions of violence. We have surveyed the incidence of terrorism and conflict across the world in present times - from Latin America and Africa to the Middle East and Asia - to test our proposition. We make a distinction between terrorism and extremism. The former implies violence causing bodily harm, with political or ideological motives, while the latter may not involve violent or criminal acts. Yet the latter might be more dangerous than the former as it may involve mobilising an entire society and reshaping policies of a state to conform to an absolutist vision. If many societies and states are governed by extremist forces, an international military confrontation can not be ruled out. While terrorism pervades the developing world, there are signs of forces of extremism rising in the developing world as well as Europe and North America. (...)"
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URL: Strategic Foresight Group