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AutorIn 1:UNIDO
HerausgeberIn 1:United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO
Titel:Technology Foresight for Organizers
Verlag:United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO
Abstract:"(...) The transformation in technological base of our societies has also led to a transformation in aims and means of science and technology policies. In a rapidly changing environment, it becomes extremely important to anticipate future changes and developments. A key element of strategic action and policy-making is now to recognise the possibility of alternative futures, and to implement policies that make the best alternative possible. The policy making in this era also needs to be based on systematically gathered information with the active participation of all the stakeholders. It is, therefore, no coincidence that Technology Foresight (TF) activities have proliferated in the last decade. Another factor behind the growing interest in TF is the need to set priorities in R&D in the context of the increasing cost of research and the tightening of public budget for it. R&D efforts also need to be directed towards fulfilling social needs at the same time as providing sources of innovations that contribute to sustainable growth, competitiveness and job creation. TF is a tool that can be used to match future needs of societies with the supply of science and technology. TF has recently gained widespread acceptance all over the world and across Europe, not only as a policy instrument used in formulating science and technology strategic plans, but also as a means of promoting the foresight culture in the society. (...)"
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URL: United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO