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AutorIn 1:Campbell, Mike
AutorIn 2:Devine, Jim
AutorIn 3:González, Julia u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission
Titel:New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now
Untertitel:A report by the Expert Group on New Skills for New Jobs prepared for the European Commission
Verlag:Office for official publications of the European Communities
Abstract:Table of contents:
Section 1. Skills for jobs: shaping the present and the future.
1. Our Ambition.
2. Skills already make a big difference today? .
3. ? and challenges are becoming more urgent.
4. Are we prepared for the future?.
Section 2. Action now: key recommendations.
The case for skills.
1. Provide the right incentives to upgrade and better use skills for individuals and employers.
? Better incentives and services for individuals.
? Better incentives for employers to invest in, and make the best use of people?s skills.
? Incentives for education and training institutions.
2. Bring the worlds of education, training and work closer together.
? Make education and training more flexible and more open for innovation and enhance relationships between skills providers and employers.
? Establish skills-based qualifications.
? From initial education and training to continuing and lifelong learning - an opportunity for all.
3. Develop the right mix of skills.
? The right skills portfolio.
? Adapt curricula content, teaching, delivery methods and assessment to the intended learning outcomes.
? The learning sector: a provider of skills, but also an employer with its own skills needs.
4. Better anticipate future skill needs.
? Better labour market intelligence developing early-warning and matching systems.
? Open up to talent, widening access to skills development.
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