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AutorIn 1:Saritas, Ozcan
Titel:Participation in Technology Foresight: Using Expert and Stakeholder Panels
Abstract:"(...) Foresight has become an institutional activity as more emphasis has been given to the active participation of experts and stakeholders to shape the future of society. As a key element of Foresight, participation of experts and stakeholders improves the quality of Foresight exercises through the engagement of both scientific and non-scientific knowledge, their values and perspectives. Experts and stakeholders come together to dialogue on alternative courses for the future from their own perspectives and determine the actions to reach to the most desirable future. (...)
This paper details this commonly used method in Technology Foresight exercises. Before going into details of how panels work, the paper first clarifies what participation is. As participation is a key component of Foresight, panels have been employed commonly in most Foresight exercises. Then, how panels are used in Foresight will be mentioned by considering the Foresight process from the initial recruitment phase to the dissemination of panel findings. Subsequently, a few practical issues, which should be taken into consideration while working with panels, will be discussed. These include resources needed for panel work, outputs, common advantages and disadvantages of panels. The paper will be rounded off by discussion on how to motivate and keep panel members on board during the Foresight exercise. (...)"
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