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AutorIn 1:Pauluci, Rosana
AutorIn 2:Quoniam, Luc
AutorIn 3:Riccio, Edson
Titel:Impacts of the Technology Foresight in the Anticipated Vocational Educational Demand: A Case of Brazilian Industry
Anmerkung:Second International Seville Seminar on FutureOriented Technology Analysis: Impact of FTA Approaches on Policy and DecisionMaking - Seville 28.-29. September 2006
Abstract:The process of technological changes being faced by industries poses new challenges for institutions involved in vocational education and provision of specialized technical services. The dissemination of new sorts of equipment, processes and techniques for organizing production causes deep changes in skills profile and quantity of labor force demanded by the labor market. Over last few years, Brazil underwent significant changes concerning level and occupational structure of industrybased employments, as a consequence of changes in both economic and technological contexts faced by the companies. On one side, the opening of economy to international competitiveness has induced to adopting new managerial and logistical techniques, which brought about changes to industrybased jobs and the profile of industry workers. On the other hand, the introduction of new technologies has affected industries? capacity to absorb workers. This paper shows the Foresight Model application on industrial sector as the aims to possibility the vocational education demand anticipation. The experience refers the civil constructions industry.
[Foresight, FTA, Industry, Brazil, Vocational education, Observatory]
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