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AutorIn 1:Fodor, István
Titel:Changing Economy, Changing Technology, Changing Opportunities
Reihe:Technology Foresight Panels, Expert Papers
Anmerkung:Technology Foresight Summit Budapest, 27-29 March 2003
Abstract:"(...) The end of the 80s meant a turning point in the modern history of Central and Eastern Europe. With the collapse of the Warsaw Block certain previous processes intensified and new ones started. More than ten years have passed from the turn. The events and trends of this period make it possible that opportunities, or at least methods determining and planning the future of the following twenty years for the region, can be specified. These 10+20 years must be analysed, evaluated and planned together, as a whole process. Nowadays we know much more about processes and trends that determine the opportunities. Besides considering their specific economic interests, international communities have to pay utmost attention to the closing up of regions lagged behind, to the easing of economic and political tensions. Together with this the attention has to be drawn to the fact that most of the CEE and NIS countries have significant potential values and possess considerable, although sometimes uncoordinated, capabilities, the mobilisation and ?lining up? of which are serious tasks that require sustained work. We cannot count on that economic players of the developed countries, struggling with competition, will help this region philanthropically. That is why active and typically independent activities and programmes are required from the countries concerned. There is a Hungarian saying ?Help yourself and God will help you!?. (...)"
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