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AutorIn 1:Godin, Benoît
Titel:Innovation: The History of a Category
Ort:Montréal, Quebec Canada
Reihe:Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation Working Paper No. 1
Abstract:"(...) Innovation is everywhere. In the world of goods (technology) certainly, but also in the realm of words. Innovation is discussed in scientific and technical literature, in social sciences such as history, sociology, management and economics, and in the humanities and arts. Innovation is also a central idea in the popular imaginary, in the media and in public policy. How has innovation acquired such a central place in our society? This paper looks at innovation as category, and suggests an outline for a genealogical history. It identifies the concepts that have defined innovation through history, from its very first meaning as novelty in the Middle Ages to the most recent interpretations in sociology and economics. The paper suggests a genealogical history of innovation through the following three concepts: Imitation → Invention → Innovation. (...)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  279 KB)
URL: Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation