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AutorIn 1:Godin, Benoît
Titel:Innovation and Creativity:A Slogan, Nothing but a Slogan
Ort:Montréal, Québec Canada
Reihe:Project on the Intellectual History of InnovationWorking Paper No. 17
Abstract:"(...) For over 2,500 years, innovation was a contested idea. It became de-contested in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Two types of argument contributed to this rehabilitation: an economic one (utility) and a cultural one (creativity). Over time, the former became dominant in theories, public policy and discourses. Yet many writers on innovation continue to define innovation as creativity. What place does the cultural argument really hold in modern theories of innovation?This chapter is a contribution to the intellectual history of innovation. It offers some outlines for a genealogy of the idea of innovation as creativity. I suggest that the evolution of the philosophical (or “psychological”) doctrine on the association of ideas, then of the idea of combination in literary criticism, were key moments in this development. Despite this history, to modern writers, creativity remains mostly a word, a mere word, at best a metaphor, and the association between creativity and innovation but a slogan. (...)"
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URL: Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation