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AutorIn 1:UNO
HerausgeberIn 1:United Nations, Economic and Social Council
Titel:Foresight for digital development
Untertitel:Report of the Secretary-General
Abstract:"(...) This report discusses a number of digital developments, namely big data, the Internet of things, massive open online courses (MOOCs), three-dimensional printing and digital automation, and their potential long-term effects on the economy, society and the environment. Special focus is given to the role of technology foresight as a tool for policy planning in assessing the potential impact of these technologies on the society. Each chapter analyses the main features of these emerging technologies and their potential for sustainable development. The report highlights findings from relevant literature, experts’ inputs and the deliberations by members of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development and other participants at the intersessional panel meeting. The Report concludes with suggestions for consideration by national Governments and other relevant stakeholders. (...)"
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