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AutorIn 1:Leis, Miriam
AutorIn 2:Gijsbers, Govert
HerausgeberIn 1:European Foresight Platform
Titel:Active and Healthy Ageing – A Long‐term View up to 2050
Untertitel:Updated with results from the expert workshop on “Active and Healthy Ageing” (31.01.2011, Brussels)
Abstract:"(...) Therefore the European Foresight Project (EFP) has dedicated to conduct its first major analysis and policy/expert workshop on the topic of “active and healthy ageing” which also relates to the “Pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing” initiated by the European Commission. This report is based on literature and desk research about challenges and latest developments in R&D related to the “ageing challenge” as well as insights and results gained from an expert‐policy workshop on “active and healthy ageing” conducted by the EFP consortium on January 31, 2011 in Brussels. 21 participants attended the workshop, representing policy makers and policy advisors, European Commission representatives, scientific experts and industry representatives. This paper has first been drafted as input paper for the workshop and later been revised to this version by taking workshop results into consideration. The topic of “active and healthy ageing” is of such importance that one workshop participant even proposed to create a ministry solely dedicated to the multidisciplinary area of age‐related challenges, innovations and social, technical and economic solutions. (...)"
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URL: European Foresight Platform