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AutorIn 1:Wydra, Sven
AutorIn 2:Haas, Karl Heinz
AutorIn 3:Jungmittag, Andre
weitere AutorInnen:Reiss, Thomas u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Titel:Economic foresight study on industrial trends and the research needed to support the competitiveness of European industry around 2025
Auftraggeber / Auftragnehmer
Auftraggeber:European Commission
Auftragnehmer:Fraunhofer Society with participating institutes
Verlag:Publications Office of the European Union
Abstract:"(...) Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies (NMP) have the potential to contribute significantly to the move of Europe from a resource-intensive economy to a knowledge-intensive economy. They will lead to new applications, new business models, new products, new production patterns, new services, new processes, substitution of resources, higher material and energy Efficiency and changes in technological competitiveness. These effects may bring along significant growth of value added, employment or trade balance in the European industry. E.g. new job opportunities will be provided, existing jobs will be protected, but also some may disappear through substitution. While there are high expectations in positive economic impacts of NMP technologies, only few information about the concrete potential drivers, impact mechanisms, quantitative effects on growth and potential differences between sectors is available. Hence, the main goal of the study is to provide insights to the potential impact of NMP and related industrial trends on the competitiveness of the European industry as well as the related current and prospective drivers which shape these impacts. Therefore, the study aims to elaborate and present qualitative and quantitative prospective scenarios considering the expected positioning and potential of the European industry in those areas where research in NMP is expected to make an impact. (...)"
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