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AutorIn 1:Fuerth, Leon S.
Titel:Foresight and anticipatory governance
Verlag:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Zeitschriften / Sammelbände
Zeitschrift:foresight journal VOL. 11 NO. 4 2009
Abstract:"(...) In this paper, I offer views on the nature and uses of foresight as an undervalued, but vital part of governance. These views draw very heavily on my experience as a working practitioner in government, and they are of course saturated by my identity as a citizen of the United States and a product of its culture. My ideas may or may not seem relevant to persons whose experiences of the world are much different than mine. The Pro-Poor Workshop at Bellagio left me with the impression that practitioners of diverse origins actually do share at least one conviction, in the midst of many probable differences. This would be a shared belief that humanity has the wisdom needed for anticipatory governance: that we can shape the future based on foresight combined with practical action. Assuming we have this much in common at the start, we probably also agree that ours is a very bold prospectus. Many would say that a belief in foresight and anticipatory governance vastly overstates our capacity for understanding and shaping the forces that govern our destinies. But the alternative is to continue to practice governance that is blind to the longer term implications of its decisions, slow to detect the onset of major defects in policy, and inattentive to its best options until they have been allowed to slide by. This reactive approach might be viewed fatalistically as the cost of doing business in the real world - a world of unintended consequences that humble our grand plans. (...)"
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URL: Institute for Alternative Futures