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AutorIn 1:Kvetan, Vladimir
AutorIn 2:Wilson, Rob
AutorIn 3:Zukersteinova, Alena u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)
Titel:Building on skills forecasts ? Comparing methods and applications
Untertitel:Conference proceedings
Verlag:Publications Office of the European Union
Reihe:Research Paper, No. 18
Abstract:"(...) In recent years, Cedefop has provided important evidence on future skill needs. Cedefop?s 2010 skill forecasts and its 2011 update provide the most recent indications of the future patterns of skill supply and demand needs in the European labour market, examining closely the impact of the recession. To increase the quality of the new skill demand and supply forecast, which will be published in 2012, Cedefop continues working on further developments of the modelling framework. This publication discusses how to best forecast skill supply and demand and how to improve the Cedefop approach. The publication examplifies Cedefop?s commitment not only to provide evidence for policy-making but also to Support active exchange of views and ideas among experts. It is based on the contributions from the international expert conference organised by Cedefop in February 2011, which brought together more than 60 researchers and experts in labour-market forecasting. This event aimed at gathering insights on how Cedefop?s forecast is used at national level, and what other (innovative) forecasting activities are taking place in the individual Member States. It provides sound evidence and suggests innovative ways of skills forecasting. The findings support improvements of Cedefop?s forecasting methodology. (...)"
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URL: The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)