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AutorIn 1:Jackson, Michael
HerausgeberIn 1:Shaping Tomorrow
Titel:Practical Foresight Guide
Ort:United Kingdom
Abstract:"(...) This encyclopaedic handbook provides commercial, not-for-profit, academia, government organizations and future-interested people with the concepts and practical approaches to develop systematic, collaborative foresight capabilities with limited external help and at low cost:
● The theory behind and benefits to be gained from adopting practical foresight.
● Practical guidance on how to accomplish specific foresight tasks.
● Information and examples of best and next practice.
● Advice on designing strategic foresight projects and programs.
● A reference guide.
● A refresher and reminder of ways to approach different issues.
● The ingredients to achieve successful outcomes and observable improvements.
● The potential to create "disruptive" innovation.
● Bulleted check-lists to remind, provoke, and ensure completeness.
The handbook has been designed in eleven sequential chapters, for ease of reference: Foresight, Questioning, Methods, Scanning, Planning, Acting, Networking, Changing, Your future, Reading, Glossary The handbook is a stop on the journey to the future; not a destination. As such it suggests a provisional general framework of research and analysis that clearly defines how all strategic foresight activities can be carried out by any organization willing to invest in better ensuring its future survival and success. (...)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  5,07 MB)
URL: Shaping Tomorrow