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AutorIn 1:Punie, Yves
AutorIn 2:Cabrera, Marcelino
AutorIn 3:Bogdanowicz, Marc
weitere AutorInnen:Zinnbauer, Dieter; Elena Navajas
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre
Titel:The Future of ICT and Learning in the Knowledge Society
Untertitel:Report on a Joint DG JRC-DG EAC Workshop held in Seville, 20-21 October 2005
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Abstract:Table of contents:
Executive summary.
1. Introduction.
1.1. Structure of the report.
1.2. Setting the scene.
1.3. A broad concept: ICT-enabled lifelong learning.
1.4. Summary of the background paper by I. Tuomi.
2. Learning in the knowledge-based society.
3. Trends and challenges affecting future learning in KBS.
3.1. Information society technological trends.
3.2. Social trends and challenges.
4. The role of ICT.
4.1. ICT for learning.
4.2. Learning to use ICT.
4.3. ICT-enabled learning and inclusion.
5. Learning spaces: A vision of future learning.
6. Realising the change.
7. Future research challenges.
8. Conclusions.
Annex 1: Workshop agenda.
Annex 2: Background paper by Ilkka Tuomi.
The Future of Learning in the Knowledge Society: Disruptive Changes for Europe by 2020.
1. Introduction.
2. Models of learning.
3. The objective of learning 50 4. Institutions of education in 2020: "ISCED 2020?.
5. The tectonics of educational change.
6. New learning technologies: some examples.
7. Conclusion.
8. Appendix: Individual and social learning models.
9. References.
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URL: European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre