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AutorIn 1:Munck, Ronaldo
AutorIn 2:McConnell, Gordon
HerausgeberIn 1:Society for College and University Planning
Titel:University Strategic Planning and the Foresight/Futures Approach. An Irish Case Study
Untertitel:An intimate sharing of the environmental scanning, strategic foresight/futures thinking used at Dublin City University
Ort:Ann Arbor, MI
Zeitschriften / Sammelbände
Zeitschrift:Planning for Higher Education 38 no1 O-D 2009
Abstract:"(...) There are many forces shaping university futures today. We certainly cannot assume that the next five-year strategic period will be in any way similar to the last. Business as usual is simply not an option despite whatever conservative institutional impulses might wish to pull us in that direction. Managing higher education in an atmosphere of austerity will be the challenge for some time to come. As Shattock (2008) argues, in this scenario it is those institutions that are able to preserve institutional cohesion and to hold on to institutional values that will come out of the recession in better shape. We are now clearly moving into a post-public era of higher education funding. With operating uncertainties increasing both structurally and specifically, there may well be a greater differentiation of mission among universities. All these uncertainties create the need for clear strategic planning, vision, and foresight. As Abeles (2006, p. 31) comments, "academic institutions need to revisit Shelley?s Ozymandias,? the central theme of which is the inevitable decline of the empires people build, however mighty they seem. Regardless of their status as medallion or lower tier institutions, their future is not assured in any form, much less as visions of time past. The future is uncertain and we need, as far as possible, to "future proof? our strategies. (...)"
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URL: Society for College and University Planning