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AutorIn 1:Toivanen, Susanna
Titel:Workplaces of the Future - How are they Studied?
Untertitel:A Literature Study of Foresight and Delphi Methods
Zeitschriften / Sammelbände
Zeitschrift:Nordic journal of working life studies Volume 1, Number 1, August 2011
Abstract:"(...) Working life conditions have changed dramatically during the last few decades with a comprehensive impact on how daily work is organised in the workplace (Marklund & Härenstam, 2010; Lundberg & Cooper, 2011). (...)
Based on two recent research reports, the aim of this paper is to exemplify how workplaces of the future are studied in contemporary literature (Håkansta et al., 2009; Regus & JB Associates, 2009). The aim is also to determine the main challenges for workplaces of the future caused by changing working life, and to compare whether the conclusions drawn in the two reports differ. The first report is a Foresight study performed by European working life researchers in a project financed by the European Commission with the aim of establishing cooperation channels for research in the area of work-related innovations (Håkansta et al., 2009). The report summarises findings from a two-day Foresight seminar about future workplaces. The second report focuses on business leaders? opinions about workplaces of the future. The study uses the Delphi method of interviewing experts and was conducted by Regus, a leading provider of workplace solutions, in collaboration with research consultants JB Associates (Regus & JB Associates, 2009). The present paper starts with a short introduction into futures research. Thereafter the two reports on workplaces of the future are reviewed and discussed. (...)"
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