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AutorIn 1:Talwar, Rohit
AutorIn 2:Hancock, Tim
HerausgeberIn 1:Fast Future Research
Titel:The shape of jobs to come
Untertitel:Possible New Careers Emerging from Advances in Science and Technology (2010 - 2030)
Abstract:"(...) The purpose of this report is to highlight examples of the kinds of jobs, careers and professions that could result from advances in science and technology in the period from 2010 to 2030. The report was commissioned as part of the Science: [So what? So everything] campaign which aims to promote public interest in science and engineering and highlight their importance to the UK?s future. Science: [So what? So everything] is funded by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and supported by a wide range of individuals and organisations. To help identify and understand the jobs of the future, the study has undertaken a short science and technology "horizon scanning" exercise. The aim was to identify a sample of key science and technology trends and developments that could occur over the next twenty years and create a timeline highlighting when such developments may come to maturity. The study highlights that we are entering a new era for science and technology. The combination of rising public understanding of and trust in science, the benefits being felt across all aspects of our lives and the rapid pace of advances being made across a number of new disciplines are helping to raise prominence in the public domain. (...)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  2,38 MB)
URL: Fast Future Research