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AutorIn 1:Gavigan, James P.
AutorIn 2:Scapolo, Fabiana
Titel:Foresight and the Long-Term View for Regional Development
Abstract:Issue: Foresight, as a means of analysing plausible long-term perspectives for societal and technological developments, has recently gained widespread use in generating inputs to national policy debates. To find similar utility at sub-national regional level, foresight methods have to adapt to a rather different and more critical combination of issues, contexts and stakeholder interests than those found nationally.
Relevance: The potential benefits of regional foresight are high, but it has not yet taken off, because of the highly-variable regional governance and economic system structures and a tendency to stress shorter term priorities. Here, the case is made for a more differentiated and customized approach to regional foresight, endorsing the efforts of a Europe-wide network of 26 organizations - regional development agencies and specialist foresight centres - which is developing a foresight "rough guide? for regional policy-makers and foresight practitioners.
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