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AutorIn 1:Dijkgraaf, E.
AutorIn 2:van der Zee, F.
AutorIn 3:Gijsbers, G.
weitere AutorInnen:de Jong, M. u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Titel:Investing in the Future of Jobs and Skills. Scenarios, implications and options in anticipation of future skills and knowledge needs. Sector Report: Post and Telecommunications
Anmerkung:This report is published as part of a series of forward-looking sector studies on New Skills and New Jobs in the frame of the project Comprehensive Sectoral Analysis of Emerging Competences and conomic Activities in the European Union
Abstract:"(...) The report consists of five main parts. Part I analyses recent relevant sector developments and trends and depicts the current state of play in the sector, with an emphasis on innovation, skills and jobs. The findings of Part I of the report combine original data analysis using Eurostat structural business statistics and labour force survey data with results from an extensive literature review of relevant already existing studies. While giving a clear and concise overview of the most important trends and developments, the prime function of Part I is to provide the fundaments and building blocks for Parts II (Post) and Part IV (Telecommunications) of the study. The findings of Part I are based on the present and the recent past. The following parts of the report are future-oriented and look at sectoral developments and more specifically developments in skills and jobs in and towards 2020. The core of part II and IV - which are similar in structure but relate to post and telecoms, respectively - consists of plausible future scenarios and their implications for jobs, skills and knowledge. These implications have been analysed for various job functions. In a final part III (Post) and V (Telecommunications), a range of main strategic options (?choices?) to meet the future skills and knowledge needs is reviewed, including implications for education and training. (...)"
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