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AutorIn 1:Miles, Ian
AutorIn 2:Keenan, Michael
AutorIn 3:Kaivo-Oja, Jari
HerausgeberIn 1:European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Titel:Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight
Verlag:European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Abstract:"(...) The Handbook has been produced for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EFL). As befits its name, the Foundation has longstanding interests in the topics of living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations. The EFL has been undertaking a four-year programme, Analysing and Anticipating Change to Support Socio-Economic Progress 2001-2004, within which the notion of European Knowledge Society Foresight is important. (The next chapter of this Handbook discusses the meaning of "Knowledge Society? and "Foresight?.) The EFL has stated that the purpose of this is to: "increase understanding on the drivers of the knowledge society and anticipate impacts of the knowledge society on living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations in order to identify and to support paths to positive transformation whilst avoiding unsatisfactory development paths.? The aim is to provide improved information about the implications of those contemporary changes that lead to commentators speaking of a "knowledge society?, especially for working life and living conditions. Additionally, as we shall see, Foresight can play a role in building new networks between those who possess various sorts of information and knowledge relevant to understanding the dynamics and outcomes of change, and of ways of intervening in and seizing opportunities provided by these developments. (...)"
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URL: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions