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AutorIn 1:Søgaard Jørgensen, Michael
AutorIn 2:Andersen, Maj Munch
AutorIn 3:Hansen, Annegrethe u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Titel:Green Technology Foresight about environmentally friendly products and materials
Untertitel:The challenges from nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT
Verlag:The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Reihe:Working Report No. 34 2006
Abstract:"(...) The focus of this green foresight project is the future environmental challenges and possible environmentally related competitive advantages related to the three generic technologies (or technology areas) nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT (information and communications technologies). Focus has been on aspects of environment and health in general and particularly chemical aspects. The aim has been to develop recommendations for integrated environmental and innovation policies in Denmark and the EU in relation to the three technology areas in order to reduce and prevent the future impacts on environment and health, ensure focus on the environmental potentials in research, innovation and applications, and obtain environmentally related competitive advantages. The project has been financed by the Danish Program for cleaner Products and has run 2004-2005. Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the System Analysis Department at Risoe National Laboratory have been responsible for the project together with Institute for Product Development. Center for Information and Communications Technology (CICT) at DTU has contributed to the project. (...)"
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