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Kurzpublikationen zum AMS-Qualifikations-Barometer
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AutorIn 1:Markowitsch, Jörg
AutorIn 2:Plaimauer, Claudia
AutorIn 3:Gaubitsch, Reinhold
HerausgeberIn 1:European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Titel:New developments in the early identification of skill needs in Austria: the AMS skills barometer
Ort:Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Verlag:European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Anmerkung:In: Cedefop Panorama series; 135, Seite 191-200
Abstract:So far no observation instrument for the early identification of skill needs has been developed in Austria, mainly due to a lack of good macrodata on qualifications and occupations. There are some regular forecasting activities and many ad hoc studies have been done on specific branches or topics. Recently new instruments have been developed and better data are expected soon. There is a tendency to link skill needs analysis with quality assurance initiatives of education providers, and a trend towards presenting expert knowledge on skill needs to individuals. The latter trend is best exemplified by the AMS skills barometer, the first comprehensive online information system for developments in qualifications and job-market requirements in Austria. Trends in demand are represented according to 24 vocational sectors, 94 vocational fields, 600 occupations, and up to 5 000 different skills and competences.
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