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AutorIn 1:Bontems, Vincent Karim
Titel:What Does Innovation Stand for? Review of a Watchword in Research Policies
Verlag:De Boeck Supérieur
Zeitschriften / Sammelbände
Zeitschrift:Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 2014/3, - n°15
Seiten:39 - 57
Abstract:"(...) Innovation is on the agenda of every research policy. To take but one ex-ample, the European Commission set the objective in 2010 of developing an “Innovation Union” by 2020. This “Europe 2020” strategy follows on from the “Lisbon Strategy”, promoted in 2000 with the aim of making the European Union the “leading knowledge-based economy”. Without dwelling on the results of the previous ten- year agenda, the reference document instantly asserts that competitiveness, employment and standard of living in Europe depend primarily on its ability to promote innovation, which is “also our best means of successfully tackling major societal challenges, such as climate change, energy and resource scarcity, health and ageing, which are becoming more urgent by the day” (EC, 2010, p. 2). Tasked both with stimulating the economy and protecting, if not improving, living conditions, innovation, as omnipresent as it may be in that document (there are more than 300 occurrences of the word on less than 50 pages), is not defined anywhere. Its meaning is taken for granted and evident. (...)"
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