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AutorIn 1:van Duijne, Freija
AutorIn 2:Bishop, Peter
HerausgeberIn 1:Future Motions
Titel:Introduction to Strategic Foresight
Verlag:Future Motions
Abstract:"(…) This online book intends to provide a short introduction to strategic foresight. It is aimed at those who are interested in the potential of foresight for their work in (government and private) organizations, in terms of improving strategic capacities and in developing long term strategies. The book explains the rationale for using foresight techniques as part of strategy and planning processes and describes some methods for doing so. It presents the main principles of strategic foresight from a practitioner’s point of view, including an Approach by which you can learn about the future and study trends, Drivers and signals of change. Special emphasis is given to scenarios, which are one of the main tools that are used in strategic foresight. The book focuses on the main steps of Framework Foresight, as a practical approach for working with foresight. Finally, we briefly discuss some of the additional steps of a foresight project. We hope that readers of this book will be helped by it, in terms of improved understanding of the meaning and practice of strategic foresight. And that they will be encouraged to use the tools of strategic foresight to build a better future. (…)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  7,29 MB)
URL: Future Motions