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AutorIn 1:Dworschak, Bernd
AutorIn 2:Zaiser, Helmut
AutorIn 3:Ardilio, Antonino
weitere AutorInnen:Hartmann, Ernst A.; Bovenschulte, Marc; Ghișa, Mihaela; Bakule, Martin; Shapiro, Hanne u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:International Labour Organization - ILO
Titel:Using Technology Foresights for Identifying Future Skills Needs
Abstract:"(...) Skills anticipation and technology foresight have until very recently existed as separate fi elds in more-or-less isolated expert and policy-making environments. As part of the project Applying the G20 Training Strategy, the ILO and Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO started to develop Skills Technology Foresight, a new tool of skill needs anticipation. It is an attempt to bridge the two areas of research and planning to introduce a technology foresight-based method of skills anticipation built around international best practices. The present publication is the result of discussions between experts at a two-day international workshop “Using Technology Foresights for Identifying Future Skills Needs”. The workshop was organized in Russia in July 2013, and brought together leading skills anticipation and high-level national technology foresight experts from Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Romania, Russia and Switzerland. Throughout the workshop, national and regional cases of skills anticipation using technology foresight were presented. Participants also discussed a potential convergence of disciplines and an integrated new approach to skills technology foresight. These fruitful discussions have become instrumental for further work on pioneering the method of identifying future skills needs based on a technology foresight. (...)"
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URL: International Labour Organization - ILO