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AutorIn 1:Andersson, Jenny
HerausgeberIn 1:Institute for futures studies
Titel:Alva?s Futures Ideas in the construction of Swedish Futures Studies
Verlag:Institute for futures studies
Anmerkung:Presented at Alva Myrdal conference, Mars 2002 and meeting for historians in Örebro, April 2002
Abstract:"(...) Futures studies, or futurology, emerged in the 1960?s with the growing attention to the dangers of modern society. The development of futures studies signifies a fundamental break with the optimistic view of societal development marking the golden age of the post-war period. Futures studies developed from the experience of a societal development full of risk. The foundation of welfare capitalist societies, industrial growth, had lead to consequences in the form of the exhaustion of natural resources and "ecocide?, psychological pressure and social exclusion, and increasing differences between a developed and an underdeveloped world. The armaments race seemed to suggest that Mankind was only a step away from Mutually Assured Destruction. Modernity had reached its limits. Social science - so far preoccupied with the idea of progress - became increasingly concerned with risk. The study of the future departed from these gloomy outlooks on future developments. Futurology asked the question what would the future be like? and what could possibly be done to change it? The first futurology movement was largely dominated by industrial and military forecasts that later provoked a critical and policy directed futurology. In Sweden, the debate on futures studies started in the late 1960?s. In 1971, Prime Minister Olof Palme appointed a working group to sketch the outline of Swedish futures studies. (...)"
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