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AutorIn 1:PWC
HerausgeberIn 1:PricewaterhouseCoopers
Titel:Pharma 2020: Challenging business models. Which path will you take?
Untertitel:Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
Abstract:"(...) The pharmaceutical marketplace is undergoing huge changes, as we indicated in "Pharma 2020: The vision?, the White Paper PricewaterhouseCoopers published in June 2007. These changes will have a major bearing on the kind of Business models pharmaceutical companies need to employ. Most Big Pharma companies have traditionally done everything from Research and development (R&D) through to commercialisation themselves. But we predict that, by 2020, this model will no longer work for many organisations. If they are to prosper, they will need to improve their R&D productivity, reduce their costs, tap the potential of the emerging economies and switch from selling medicines to managing outcomes - activities few, if any, companies can accomplish on their own. Even the largest pharmaceutical companies will have to collaborate with other organisations to develop effective new medicines more economically, help patients manage their health and ensure that the products and Services they provide really make a difference. Moreover, they may have to step far outside the sector to find some of the partners they need. (...)"
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URL: PricewaterhouseCoopers