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AutorIn 1:Godet, Michel
AutorIn 2:Durance, Philippe
AutorIn 3:Gerber, Adam
HerausgeberIn 1:Laboratoire dInnovation de Prospective Stratégique et d?Organisation
Titel:Strategic Foresight
Untertitel:Use and Misuse of Scenario Building
Reihe:LIPSOR Working Paper
Abstract:"(...) The translation of this book, which is an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic prospective, begins with a difficult choice concerning how to translate the French term prospective into English. In Spanish, as with other Romance languages, the word is effectively the same. However, up until very recently, there had been no equivalent of La prospective in the English language. There have been several contenders, such as futurology, future studies, and forecasting; however, none of these terms do justice to La prospective. In English, the term forecasting is too often used in the context of economic modeling and technological forecasting, and therefore does not capture the true essence of prospective. In many of my previous English publications, I managed to skirt the problem. In one book, prefaced by Igor Ansoff, the term prospective had been effectively replaced throughout by the term scenarios. In another book, prospective was loosely defined by the English title, Creating Futures. The publication of the book From Anticipation to Action: A Handbook of Strategic Prospective was the one instance where I refused to compromise. Ironically, the book is available on with the following parenthetical information "(future-oriented studies)? deliberately appended alongside the title so as not to confuse the potential buyer. (...)"
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URL: Laboratoire dInnovation de Prospective Stratégique et d?Organisation