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AutorIn 1:Bradbrook, Sam
AutorIn 2:Duckworth, Martin
AutorIn 3:Ellwood, Peter u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Titel:Green jobs and occupational safety and health: Foresight on new and emerging risks associated with new technologies by 2020
Verlag:Publications O"ce of the European Union
Abstract:"(...) This report describes the project ‘Foresight of new and emerging risks to occupational safety and health associated with new technologies in green jobs by 2020’, carried out for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The outcome of the exercise is a set of scenarios covering a range of new technologies in green jobs and the impact they could have on workers’ health and safety. They are intended to inform EU policymakers, Member States’ governments, and trade unions and employers, so that they can take decisions to shape the future of occupational safety and health (OSH) in green jobs towards safer and healthier workplaces. The project was conducted by a consortium of the UK Health and Safety Laboratory, SAMI Consulting and the Technopolis Group. (...)
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