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AutorIn 1:Tessaring, Manfred
AutorIn 2:Zukersteinova, Alena
AutorIn 3:Kvetan, Vladimir
weitere AutorInnen:van Loo, Jasper; Schmid, Eleonora u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - cedefop
Titel:Skills supply and demand in Europe
Untertitel:Medium-term forecast up to 2020
Verlag:Publications Office of the European Union
Abstract:"(...) Europeʼs citizens and businesses have been hit severely by the economic slump. To recover speedily and tackle long-term challenges, we must unleash Europeʼs potential. But Europeʼs youth unemployment is soaring and its share of low-qualified people, who have fewer chances to develop their skills than others, is high. To compete in the global market, Europe needs to generate higher quality and more innovative products and services. Higher productivity is essential to maintain our social model. New jobs and new skills are emerging, as technology, innovation, demographic change and climate strategies generate new demands. Downturn and exit strategies are accelerating economic restructuring. This will affect the type of skills needed. Europe is devising its strategy for the next decade. It aims to stop further setbacks and to create a smart, green, sustainable, inclusive and highemployment economy. Skills to adapt and to shape the jobs of tomorrow are essential for Europeʼs citizens. But which skills does Europe need to thrive? (...) More than ever policy-makers, employers, skills providers, employment services and individual learners need clearer information. Clarity can lead to better informed decisions on skills development and career choice. This need for clarity has made anticipating change central to the EUʼs new skills for new jobs initiative. Cedefop has been entrusted with providing regular European skill forecasts. (...)"
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URL: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - cedefop