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AutorIn 1:Agard, John
AutorIn 2:Alcamo, Joseph
AutorIn 3:Biermann, Frank
weitere AutorInnen:Colls, Alison u.a.
HerausgeberIn 1:United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Titel:21 Issues for the 21st Century
Untertitel:Results of the UNEP Foresight Process on Emerging Environmental Issues
Ort:Nairobi, Kenya
Verlag:United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Abstract:"(...) The purpose of the UNEP Foresight Process is to produce, every two years, a careful and authoritative ranking of the most important emerging issues related to the global environment. UNEP aims to inform the UN and wider international community about these issues on a timely basis, as well as provide input to its own work programme and that of other UN agencies, thereby fulfilling the stipulation of its mandate: "keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action?. The concept of ?emerging issues? is subjective. It is used in this report to describe issues that are recognized as very important by the scientific community, but are not yet receiving adequate attention from the policy community. Definitions of ?very important? and ?adequate? are left open to those identifying the issues. Emerging issues are further defined as those that are:
- Critical to the global environment. The issue can be either positive or negative but must be environmental in nature, or environmentally-related.
- Given priority over the next one to three years in the work programme of UNEP and, or, other UN institutions and, or, other international institutions concerned with the global environment.
- Have a large spatial scale. Issues should either be global, continental or ?universal? in nature (by ?universal? we mean an issue occurring in many places around the world). (...)"
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