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Webtipp: The Economist Intelligence Unit


Land: Global

The Economist Intelligence Unit is the world"s foremost provider of country, industry and management analysis. Founded in 1946 when a director of intelligence was appointed to serve The Economist, the Economist Intelligence Unit is now a leading research and advisory firm with more than 40 offices worldwide. For over 60 years, the Economist Intelligence Unit has delivered vital business intelligence to influential decision-makers around the world. Our extensive international reach and unfettered independence make us the most trusted and valuable resource for international companies, financial institutions, universities and government agencies.

Our mission is to provide executives with authoritative analysis and forecasts to make informed global decisions. We offer three kinds of business intelligence:

Country analysis on more than 200 markets
Industry trends in six key sectors
Latest management strategies and best practices

The Economist Intelligence Unit has recently merged with Economist Conferences to deliver 360-degree decision support for your international business. We call it 360-degree decision support because we can help you at any stage of your decision-making process: whether you are gathering facts, developing plans, networking with executives or benchmarking strategies. And we can now provide you with business intelligence in your preferred format: through electronic services, custom research, executive meetings or personalised presentations.

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