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Webtipp: EuNeOn - The European Network of Networks for Higher Education Online (Europäisches Netzwerk für Online-Hochschullehre)


Land: Europa

As a consequence of globalisation, Europe faces ever-growing worldwide competition. The formation of a European knowledge society seems to be the only way to maintain European competitiveness. Flexible studies and lifelong learning have long become key issues for the formation of this knowledge society, and there is a broad consensus that online learning has to play a key role in this process.
While everybody agrees that for building the European knowledge society additional investments in education on all levels are necessary, in most European countries the financial possibilities to invest more money into education are at best rather limited. Therefore, it is more necessary than ever to explore and to exploit ways of providing more and better education without having to increase public spending proportionately.
In this situation, Universities in many countries of the European Union have remarkably expanded educational co-operation on a national level by sharing common resources and offering their students more versatile curricula and by giving their students the right to take courses from other universities, as well. A number of discipline-specific and multi-disciplinary networks have been set up in many European countries to provide research-based education as a joint national effort of several universities. These networks have successfully been able to combine two aims which at first may seem incompatible: competition and collaboration.

Zur Website EuNeOn: hier klicken