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Webtipp: Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)


Land: EU / Global

The Health and Environment Alliance supports precautionary health and environment policy within two main frameworks: the EU Environment and Health Strategy and the WHO Pan European environment and health process, which includes the the Children"s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe.
Our work draws on the findings of the environmental health science revolution, which is revealing the impact of environmental degradation on health in an ever-widening range of diseases and conditions. These include amongst others, asthma, allergies, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, reproductive problems, behavioural problems and obesity.
We believe that many diseases and conditions, including birth defects, could be effectively prevented by changes in public policy as well as changes in personal behaviour and lifestyles. Greater priority should therefore be given to ensuring the safety of what we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. The special needs of children and other vulnerable groups should be given more recognition in environmental policy affecting health.

Zur Website HEAL: hier klicken