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Webtipp e-Journal: Progress in Science Education 2014 (open-access)


Land: Global

Science education is a highly dynamic field of applied and basic research, at the crossroads of practical issues arising from science classrooms and teacher education, of the manifold and important relations of our modern societies with science and education, and of a scientific approach to science education and literacy. In this sense, Progress in Science Education (PriSE) attempts at bringing together researchers, teachers, and other stakeholders in the field, trying to answer their questions and suggesting solutions for a sustainable development of science education in and out of school.

Within these objectives, Progress in Science Education proposes a new dynamic platform, offering the possibility of rapid publication of highly qualitative research papers in four languages (English, French, German, Italian), in online open access format, i.e. accessible for free to a large European and overseas public, including teachers. It is a publication with a peer review system, addressing in particular young researchers wishing to publish their first scientific results. It welcomes both quantitative and qualitative empirical studies, as well as theoretical, philosophical , programmatic, sociological and historical essays, coming from all areas of science education (life, physical, earth and integrated science), and intended for all age groups of learners. (...)"

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