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New EU Eurobarometer survey on social and employment issues: Doubt on end of crisis continues, but trust in EUs ability to make positive impact remains


Land: EU

The European Commission publishes today a new Eurobarometer survey on employment issues and social affairs, which shows that more than a third of European citizens currently working are concerned about losing their jobs.

However, the general sense of gloom about society as a whole - and about the chances of the economic crisis ending quickly - has not translated into a crisis of confidence when it comes to the way in which most respondents view their own prospects. There is a general appetite for more and better information about the future job market where 58% would like to receive information on taking decisions about training courses and the kind of job to apply for in the future.

Europeans generally consider that the impact of the EU on employment and social policies in their country is beneficial. It matters a great deal for European confidence - not to mention the EU itself - that ordinary citizens are aware of the EU"s efforts to tackle the problems that are such a source of anxiety today.

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