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Gender Workers in Europe: Professionalisation, Prospects and Challenges

22.09.2008, Ljubljana

GemTrEx: Professionalising Gender Trainers and Experts invites you to participate in a one day conference and workshop, which will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 22nd of September 2008.
The idea of the conference and workshop is to bring together gender experts and trainers in adult education, policy makers, NGO representatives and others who are interested in gender work. The conference aims to present and disseminate GemTrEx results and products throughout Europe and beyond. In addition, the GemTreX conference and workshop aims to foster discussion about gender training and diversity at a European level among policy makers, NGO representatives, and experts in adult education. The focus is on the prospects for the new role of Gender Worker on the labour market, the professional standards for this new role, and last but not least to present workshops based on modules which were developed in the GemTrEx project.
The GemTrEx conference and workshop GENDER WORKERS IN EUROPE: PROFESSIONALISATION, PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES will take place in the City Hotel, Dalmatinova 15, Ljubljana, Slovenia on 22nd of September, 2008. The conference will be in English and there will be no conference fee.

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