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Conference on Higher Education Cooperation in Central, Eastern & South-Eastern Europe

03.07.2013 - 05.07.2013

Ort: Wien

The Austrian National Agency (OeAD) will be organising a Conference on Higher Education Cooperation in Central, Eastern & South-Eastern Europe (Vienna, 3rd to 5th July 2013) with the title "Neighbours.HigherEducation.Cooperation." The conference shall bring together representatives from HEI/universities in 17 countries in order to share cooperation expertise and to provide a platform for future common initiatives and collaboration. The event is meant to cover the political dimension of Higher Education cooperation in the region as well as to enhance existing networks for projects and connect interested scientists willing to cooperate with each other. Please find a draft version of the program attached to this letter.

Target countries for the conference are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Austria.

The first conference day will address the political and strategic dimension of Higher Education cooperation, thus including past evolvement as well as future aspects for sustainable partnership within this region and with Austria. The second day intends to present the 2014 - 2020 EU Education Programme as well as other successful programmes, projects and initiatives. Thematic workshops will serve as a forum for topics relevant to HE cooperation in a broader sense.

The last part of the conference will be organised as a platform & contact seminar for possible start-up ideas and future cooperation between universities in the region and Austria.

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